alcoholics anonymous

Welcome to Historic Virginia
District 38
(757) 253-1234
Address: Williamsburg Area Intergroup
4925 Centerville Road
Williamsburg, Va 23185
(Next to James River Baptist Church)
Open the 1st and 2nd Wednesday of each month
5:15pm to 6:15pm
For further assistance or questions, please e-mail
Please make checks out to Williamsburg Area Intergroup and include home group name if applicable.
Bookstore will not be open New Year’s Day, Wednesday 1/1/2025 as district has moved there meeting to Thursday 1/2/2025 due to holiday falling on first Wednesday. Bookstore is in transition mode as outgoing officers and committee chairs have ended their two year terms on 12/31/2025. More will be forthcoming from new Intergroup officers for 2025-2026 commitments.
Order Forms for AA Material
Order forms are updated as of 01/03/2024
Please let us know if there are any problems.
There are two forms below. They have the same info.
You can download / print the pdf version and fill it out with ink and bring it to the office.
You can also download the Excel version and fill it out on your computer and print it or email it ahead of time to