alcoholics anonymous
Welcome to Historic Virginia
District 38
(757) 253-1234
Committee Descriptions
Archives Committee
The purpose of the Archives Committee is to record, store and preserve all types of historical data pertinent to District 38. The Archives Committee preserves the AA history of the District, gathers and files items of historical information, and maintains records of District and group histories.
The Archives Committee Chair provides a verbal report at all monthly District meetings regarding the activities of the committee. If the Archives Committee Chair is unable to attend a monthly District meeting, a report should be forwarded to the DCM prior to the meeting. The Archives Committee Chair solicits materials for archival purposes at District meetings, and researches and provides archival information as requested.
The Archives Committee exercises custodial responsibility and maintains physical integrity of District 38 correspondence, newsletters, historical documents, photographs, and newspaper articles as appropriate, and maintains an inventory of all archival information.
The Archives Committee provides information to any group or member who wishes to learn more about a group or the District’s history, and makes archival material available to persons with a valid reason for reviewing it. Authorization for review and disclosure will be referred to the DCM.
The Archives Committee provides displays at District events, as requested.
The Archives Committee encourages Home Groups to prepare and maintain a group history. The Archives Committee protects the anonymity of all AA members and the confidentiality of all AA records.
The Archives Committee maintains communication with the VAC Archives Committee Chair.
The Archives Committee should be familiar with the VAC and AA Service Manuals and District Guidelines.
Bookstore Committee
Manages the literature inventory at the Intergroup Office. This includes books and pamphlets.
Maintains a supply of chips for sale.
Opens the bookstore twice a monthe before Intergroup and District meetings.
Provides a monthly report to Intergroup Treasurer
Cooperation Professional Community / Public Information (CPC/PI)
The Cooperation with the Professional Community and Public Information Committee is responsible for providing information about Alcoholics Anonymous to the public, agencies and/or organizations that encounter alcoholics through general or professional contact. Specific responsibilities may include: provide literature and/or meeting directories to doctors, lawyers, mental health, substance abuse professionals, courts, community action agencies, clergy, schools, hotels/motels, libraries. The Committee will publish the Williamsburg Area meeting directory. The Committee may also provide accurate A.A. contact information in the public media and phone books, communicate information received from G.S.O., VAC, and District 38 and communicate information about all aspects of Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community work to the A.A. community.
Corrections Committee
The Corrections Committee is responsible for providing information to and coordinating 12 th step work with correctional institutions and other entities to provide suffering alcoholics in such institutions with an opportunity to participate in the recovery program of A.A. Specific responsibilities may include: coordinate coverage and participation in meetings carried to institutions, maintain contact with facilities to meet clearance and orientation requirements, provide literature to institutional meetings, coordinate correspondence between A.A. members in District 38 and inmates seeking sobriety in institutions, coordinate transportation for newly released inmates to A.A. meetings; communicate corrections support related information received from GSO, VAC, and District 38, communicate information about all aspects of corrections work to the A.A. community.
Grapevine Committee
The purpose of the District Grapevine Committee is to make sure AA members are aware of the Fellowship’s international journal and the enhancements to sobriety it offers. The Grapevine Committee Chair is the District’s contact with the Grapevine office.
The Grapevine Committee Chair chairs the District Grapevine Committee. The Grapevine Committee Chair regularly attends District meetings, provides a verbal report at all monthly District meetings regarding the activities of the committee, discusses the purpose of the Grapevine at District meetings, and informs the District about AA conference approved literature, audiovisual materials, the AA Grapevine, La Viña, and other AA and Grapevine items. If the Grapevine Chair is unable to attend a monthly District meeting, a report should be forwarded to the DCM prior to the meeting.
The Grapevine Committee is available to assist GSRs or group Grapevine Representatives with ordering the Grapevine and Grapevine literature as requested, and attends Home Group business meetings to encourage them to have a Grapevine Representative as a group position.
The Grapevine Committee provides displays at District functions, as requested.
The Grapevine Committee Chair should be familiar with the guidelines in the VAC and AA Service Manuals and District Guidelines.
Service as a Grapevine Rep (GVR)
Grapevine Representatives are the link between AA Grapevine and the groups. It's a fun way to get involved! All you have to do is announce the latest issue at your meeting, let people know how they can participate by sending in stories, or jokes. It's easy to get started. Simply let your home group know that you are interested. Register with us online and you will receive a complete information kit from the Grapevine office. This is a great way to carry the message of AA and to stay sober!
Announce the latest issue at your meeting •
Talk about the magazine's content - the stories make great topics for discussion
Encourage your group to participate by sending in stories, art work or jokes
Spread the word about Grapevine's new services and products (you may be asked to tell a joke, too…..) HOW DO I GET STARTED?
Offer to be of service - let your home group know that you are interested.
Register with us online
You will receive a complete information kit from the Grapevine office.
Special Events Committee
The Special Events Committee is responsible for coordinating and obtaining Coordinators for two workshops and three Alkathons each year. The workshops will take place in the spring and the fall. The three Alkathons will be held Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. The Special Events Committee is responsible for coordinating other events, meals, and gatherings that may be scheduled by the voting membership of the Williamsburg Area Intergroup.
Telephone Committee
The Phone Committee is responsible for maintaining a phone answering service that provides meeting information. Specific responsibilities may include: purchasing equipment with the advice and consent of Intergroup, determine the appropriate mix of automated and in-person monitoring of calls and ensure that information available via the phone is complete and current. This committee will maintain the Williamsburg Area Intergroup Guidelines for Phone Volunteers, which includes 12th step contact for the suffering alcoholic.
Treatment & Accessibilities Committee
The Treatment and Accessibilities Committee is responsible for providing information to and coordination 12 th step work with hospitals, treatment facilities, and other entities to provide suffering alcoholics in such institutions with an opportunity to participate in the recovery program of A.A. The Treatment and Accessibilities Committee is also responsible for assisting outreach to those persons in the A.A. community who may have limited access to regular meetings and other recovery support. Specific responsibilities may include: coordinate coverage and participation in meetings carried to hospitals, treatment centers, and other recuperative facilities, provide literature to institutional meetings, respond to requests for new, interim, or irregular meetings, communicate information received from GSO, VAC, and District 38, communicate information about all aspects of treatment and accessibility work to the A.A. community.
Website Committee
The Williamsburg Area Website Committee is an Intergroup committee providing website and online public information services to both Intergroup and District 38. The committee is responsible for maintaining the website and website email accounts. The website committee is also responsible for adhering to the principles of the Twelve Traditions, particularly Tradition 11 ("anonymity at the level of press, radio and films.") Ensuring all information posted on meetings and events are current and accurate and providing this information to the website. The committee will communicate any changes or additions to the meetings in the area to the CPC/PI committee and request the same from the CPC/Pl committee. The committee is responsible for communicating with the website service provider regarding costs and services (domain name, website account and email account) and will make payments in a timely manner. The committee will provide website usage statistics and will research and recommend alternate or additional services if the committee or Intergroup deems it necessary or appropriate. Within these parameters, the committee makes final decisions regarding content and determines who will access the website server/software.
Alternate District Committee Member (ADCM)
The ADCM is a backup for the DCM. In the event that the DCM cannot fulfill their commitment, and there are less than six months remaining in the term, the ADCM shall fulfill the position of DCM for the remainder of the two year term. The ADCM is available upon request to assist, participate, and share in the DCMs responsibilities at District and Area meetings.
The ADCM should be familiar with the VAC and AA Service Manuals and District Guidelines. The ADCM should be familiar with the pamphlet “Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix” and encourage groups to support the Area, District, and local Intergroup.
District 38 Secretary
The Secretary notifies the officers, GSRs, and committee chairs of the date and time of the District meetings.
The Secretary assists the DCM in preparing and distributing a monthly District meeting agenda, taking care that business carried over from the previous District meeting is placed on the agenda.
The Secretary takes attendance at each district meeting and is responsible for recording minutes of all District meetings.
When District business requires a vote, the Secretary will announce that only Voting Members of the District may vote and shall explain “Voting Members”.
The Secretary distributes District meeting minutes by electronic means to officers, GSRs, committee chairs, and group/meeting contacts at least one week prior to the next District meeting. After the minutes are reviewed and/or revised, and approved by a majority vote of the members present at the monthly district meeting, the Secretary will electronically distribute copies of the approved minutes to the District Archivist, Intergroup Chair, and others as suggested by the VAC. If the meeting minutes are revised, the Secretary will distribute the revised minutes to the entire distribution list.
As requested, the Secretary disseminates to all GSRs information approved by the DCM/ADCM pertaining to the VAC, District, other District-sponsored and AA group-sponsored events or literature.
The Secretary compiles and maintains a current list of all groups and maintains a current mailing list including the name, address, telephone number, and email of all GSRs and Alternate GSRs, District officers, Committee Chairs and Special Assignment Coordinators.
The Secretary is responsible for distributing copies of District Guidelines to new officers and GSRs, and for updated and distributing the Guidelines when they are amended by the District.
The Secretary may have a petty cash fund to be replenished as needed for copying and mailing.
The Secretary should be familiar with the VAC and AA Service Manuals and District Guidelines. The Secretary should be familiar with the pamphlet “Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix” and encourage groups to support the Area, District, and local Intergroup.
District 38 Treasurer
The Treasurer is steward for all District 38 funds, for maintaining the District Treasury, and for keeping track of all District financial matters by maintaining an accurate, up-to-date set of books showing the financial health of the District.
The Treasurer maintains a bank account in the name of District 38, along with a signature card on file at the bank, signed by at least one other District officer, into which all voluntary contributions will be deposited and from which distribution of all District funds will be made. The Treasurer receives and deposits voluntary contributions from District 38 Home Groups and other sources, as defined by GSO guidelines pertaining to contributions, and ensures that the District checking account is balanced and reconciled at least monthly. All funds received at the District PO Box prior to the end of the year should be deposited before the end of the year.
The Treasurer receives requests for reimbursement of District expenses, distributes District funds in a timely manner, and carries out all other distribution of funds pursuant to an affirmative vote of the District and/or according to the budget.
The Treasurer holds a key to the District PO Box and checks the PO Box for mail-in contributions, and any other business for the District, prior to the monthly District meeting.
5) The Treasurer is responsible for preparing a monthly financial report. The report shall contain a record of group contributions, showing receipts and their sources as well as other sources of income, the disbursement of funds with appropriate budget line items, and remaining balances, which will be presented at each District meeting. A copy will be presented to each voting member of the District at the monthly meeting, and shall be approved by vote of the members present.
The Treasurer assists in preparing an annual budget for the District, which will be presented for approval by the Voting Members of the District at the December District meeting, along with a report of the current year’s finances.
7) The Treasurer keeps copies of all Treasurer reports and makes them available upon request.
The Treasurer is responsible for making GSRs aware of funds needed for District, VAC, and GSO support.
The Treasurer retains custody of the financial records until completion of their term. At that time all current financial instruments will be turned over to the new Treasurer and historical documents will be transferred to the District Archives.
The Treasurer should be familiar with the VAC and AA Service Manuals and District Guidelines. The Treasurer should be familiar with the pamphlet “Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix” and encourage groups to support the Area, District, and local Intergroup.
District Committee Member (DCM)
The DCM embraces service responsibility for all District activities. Although the DCM may not be personally involved in each and every issue, the GSRs have entrusted to this member the responsibility for all District activities.
The DCM drafts a monthly District meeting agenda in advance of the meeting, generally in coordination with the Secretary and ADCM.
The DCM ensures that the District’s financial records are reviewed and audited, and that as a result of the review and audit, a draft budget is created at least annually by the District officers, GSRs, and Committee Chairs if appropriate.
The DCM establishes District Standing Committees and Special Assignments, and appoints Chairs and Coordinators.
The DCM is expected to visit Home Groups in the District at least once annually and to encourage groups to participate in the service structure. The DCM renders assistance to new AA groups wishing to register with the District, the VAC or with the General Service Office (GSO), and collects and sends new group forms and group change forms to the Area office.
The DCM is available to help GSRs make reports to groups, and encourages them to bring new AA members to service events.
The DCM reviews the accuracy and conveys to the VAC’s Mailing list coordinator the names and addresses of all current GSRs and group contacts within the District.
The DCM encourages GSRs to attend Area Assemblies and District meetings.
The DCM may serve as an ex-officio non-voting advisor to the District for one year immediately following their term of office.
The DCM is an essential link between GSRs and the Area Delegate to the General Service Conference and serves as Chair at District meetings. The DCM disseminates information to all GSRs pertaining to the GSO, the VAC, the District, literature and Box459, as well as other District-sponsored and AA group-sponsored events.
The DCM keeps GSRs informed about Conference activities. This includes setting up opportunities for the Delegate’s Conference report, occasionally making the Conference report if the Delegate cannot be present, and inviting the Delegate to regular District meetings. The DCM keeps GSRs informed about Conferenceapproved books and pamphlets.
The DCM attends and represents District 38 at the annual Spring and Fall VAC Assemblies as well as the Summer and Winter VAC meetings and contributes to the VAC newsletter. The DCM reports on the District status and activities at the Area level, determines and carries the District conscience to the Area, and reports back to the District about Area meetings and GSO. The DCM serves on a VAC Standing Committee upon assignment by the VAC Chair.
The DCM is encouraged to be available for service and is eligible to be elected to an Area service position, including Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Secretary, Treasurer, Chair, and Alternate Chair. -5-
The DCM brings Tradition concerns to the attention of the Delegate.
The DCM should be familiar with the guidelines in the VAC and AA Service Manuals and District Guidelines, and is available to help GSRs become acquainted with The AA Service Manual, the Twelve Concepts for World Service, the GSO bulletin Box459, workbooks and guidelines from GSO, and any others service materials. The DCM should be familiar with the pamphlet “Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix” and encourage groups to support the Area, District, and local Intergroup.
General Service Representative (GSR)
GSRs are full Voting Members of District 38 and are expected to attend monthly District meetings and the Spring and Fall VAC assemblies each year of their two year term.
GSRs are elected by their Home Group and link their home group with AA as a whole. They represent the voice of the Home Group conscience and convey their Home Group conscience to the District and VAC assemblies. In turn, that group conscience may then be passed on to the General Service Conference. We realize that whatever “authority” there is in AA resides in the group conscience.
GSRs serve as the central point of contact for all activities concerning their Home Group. They relay announcement of events held by the VAC, District, other Districts or AA Home Groups back to their Home Groups.
GSRs serve as a conduit of information between the District and their Home Group, and serve on behalf of their Home Group as the mail contact with District, VAC, Area committees, and GSO, and may be listed in the AA directories as group contact.
GSRs should be familiar with the VAC and AA Service Manuals and District Guidelines. GSRs should also attempt to stay familiar with material available from GSO, including AA internet websites, Box459, new literature, guidelines, bulletins, videos, tapes, kits, etc., and pass such information on to their groups.
GSRs participate in District and Area service meetings, and often help with planning for Area gettogethers and conventions. Following these events, they make reports to their groups for the benefit of those who could not attend.
Each group should have an Alternate GSR. Serving might be looked upon as a learning period to become a future GSR.The Alternate GSR may assist the GSR in their duties and responsibilities; attend District meetings; perform GSR duties if the GSR is not available.
GSRs encourage their Home Group to support the Area and District committees and the local Intergroup, and are familiar with the pamphlet “Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix”.
If a GSR fails to attend either three consecutive monthly District meetings or two consecutive VAC assemblies, and is not represented by an Alternate GSR, the DCM may contact the appropriate GSR or group to seek a remedy to the situation or to seek a qualified replacement.
Intergroup Representative
Elected by the home group
Attends monthly Intergroup business meeting.
Reports back to home group and provides information to help group vote on topics up for discussion.
Carries their home group conscience on any voting issues back to Intergroup.